
Cross Sectoral

CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2020

The Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks 2020 analyses different regulatory systems of electricity and gas networks (at the TSO and DSO level) in most EU Member States, Great B...

CEER Report on Billing Issues in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package

C19-CRM-CEM-132-03, 23This CEER report (C19-CRM-CEM-132-03) presents an overview of the changes to billing and billing information for electricity customers introduced by the Clean Energy Package (CEP...
Cross Sectoral

What regulators stood for in 2020!

This paper reviews CEER’s 2020 work and brings out CEER’s main messages from 2020....

Status Review Report on Regulatory Frameworks for Innovation and Security of Supply in Gas Transmission Infrastructure

This document presents a progress report on regulatory frameworks for innovation and security of supply in gas infrastructure. It follows the conclusions of the Energy Infrastructure Forum 2019, which...

2nd CEER Report on Tendering Procedures for RES in Europe

This CEER report (C20-RES-67-03) presents the current state of play on RES tendering schemes in Europe. It is an update of the 2018 CEER Report on Tendering Procedures for RES in Europe (C18-SD-63-03)...

Self-Assessment Status Report 2019 for the Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets

This status report uses the framework developed by CEER in its Roadmap to 2025 Well-Functioning Retail Energy Markets. This Roadmap analyses 25 metrics developed in CEER’s 2017 Handbook for National...

CEER Status Review Report on Regulatory Frameworks for Innovation in Electricity Transmission Infrastructure

This document presents a progress report on regulatory frameworks for innovation in electricity infrastructure. It follows up on the conclusions of the Energy Infrastructure Forum 2019. The conclusion...

CEER response to the Commission’s public consultation on the New Consumer Agenda

This CEER document shares with the public CEER’s 6 October 2020 response to the European Commission’s Public Consultation on the EU’s new ‘consumer agenda’...

CEER-BEUC 2030 Vision for Energy Consumers: LET’S ASPIRE!

CEER and the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) have renewed our Vision for Energy Consumers with a horizon to 2030. Looking ahead to 2030 and the EU’s 2050 sustainability and climate neutrality...

CEER Paper on DSO Procedures of Procurement of Flexibility

This paper provides insights on what the implications are for incentives, prerequisites and interactions among the involved parties with DSO access to and use of flexibility. The aim of the paper is t...

CEER Paper on Regulatory Issues Related to the’Delta In-Out’ in Distribution Networks

This document (C19-GS-05-03) aims to reach a more in-depth knowledge of the Δinout problem, by creating a common understanding at the European level, despite possible different features of distributi...
Cross Sectoral

CEER Note on Stranded Assets in the Distribution Networks

This note on stranded assets in the distribution network highlights the main findings following a survey on stranded assets to the CEER Member and Observer National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs)....
Cross Sectoral

CEER Paper on Whole System Approaches

This document presents a short paper on Whole System Approaches (WSA). It categorises three different layers of WSA, taking into account the parties involved (network operators and others) and the sco...
Cross Sectoral

CEER Paper on Cybersecurity in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package

This document presents how cybersecurity topics have been developed in the Clean Energy for All Europeans Package, going through act by act. This paper also provides information on the status and the...
Cross Sectoral

National Models of Cooperation among Different Sectoral Regulators in the Context of Consumer Law Enforcement

This CEER document (C19-RBM-19-05) reports on whether cooperation models are put in place between NRAs and relevant entities/organisations in order to better ensure consumer protection, as foreseen in...

CEER Paper on Electricity Distribution Tariffs Supporting the Energy Transition

This document presents CEER’s conclusions on electricity distribution network tariffs within today’s electricity system and how they can support expected changes. Besides building upon CEER’s ea...

2nd CEER Report on Power Losses

This report provides an overview of power losses (transmission and distribution) in electrical grids – the levels of losses, how they are defined, calculated and valued across 35 European countries....
Cross Sectoral

CEER Report on Regulatory Frameworks for European Energy Networks

This CEER report provides an overview of European energy (electricity and gas) network regulatory regimes in 2019, including required efficiency developments, analyses of the costs of capital, and reg...
Cross Sectoral

Cybersecurity Benchmark

This document provides an overview of the cybersecurity landscape in the CEER Member countries represented in the CEER Cybersecurity Work Stream (CS WS) for the year 2018. The table highlights the mai...
Cross Sectoral

CEER Conclusions Paper on Dynamic Regulation to Enable Digitalisation of the Energy System

This CEER Conclusions Paper on Dynamic Regulation to Enable Digitalisation of the Energy System presents CEER’s view on the implications of digitalisation for the energy sector and for consumers in...

CEER Monitoring Report on the Performance of European Retail Markets in 2018

The main objective of this CEER report on retail energy markets is to provide further analysis on some of the most important aspects of retail markets, allowing a more in-depth and comprehensive under...

The Bridge Beyond 2025 Conclusions Paper

The purpose of this joint ACER-CEER Conclusions Paper is for CEER and the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) to identify priorities for legislative and regulatory ac...
Cross Sectoral

CEER Guide on Bundled Products

CEER has developed a Guide for companies and regulators on Bundled Products, applicable across all sectors (not only energy). It includes 10 principles for companies offering bundled products and 3 pr...
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