CEER Report on Investment Conditions in European Countries
This document presents CEER report on investment conditions 2017 in European countries. High quality regulation is a fundamental requirement for a sound investment climate, which, in itself, is a pre-...
Guidelines of Good Practice on Comparison Tools in the New Energy Market Design – Updated Recommendations
In July 2012, the CEER Guidelines of Good Practice (GGP) on Price Comparison Tools presented 14 recommendations for energy price comparison tools which covered the following themes: independence, tran...
Removing LNG Barriers on gas markets
The main objective of this report is to identify barriers on LNG markets, regarding the services offered by the terminals and the tariffs applied, and suggest ways to overcome them. The report contain...
Retail Market Monitoring Report
This document seeks to support the findings of ACER/CEER’s position paper “Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025”. Therefore, the report shall deliver an overview on the recent retail markets deve...
Retail Market Monitoring Report
This document seeks to support the findings of ACER/CEER’s position paper “Energy Regulation: A Bridge to 2025”. Therefore, the report shall deliver an overview on the recent retail markets deve...
CEER Report on Power Losses
This report provides an overview of power losses (transmission and distribution) on electrical grids – the levels of losses, how they are defined, calculated and valued across 27 European countries....
Barriers for storage product development Report
Barriers for storage product development_Report This report presents a review of gas storage product availability in Europe and potential barriers to product development and innovation. It was launche...
CEER Status Review on RES Support Schemes
The purpose of this CEER Status Review publication is to provide comparable data on RES support schemes in Europe, in order to provide information to policy-makers, regulators and market participants....
Guidelines of Good Practice for Flexibility Use at Distribution Level – Consultation Paper
CEER’s Conclusions Paper on ‘The Future Role of DSOs’ committed to carrying out further work on developing a regulatory toolbox for NRAs, as proposed in Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regu...
CEER Report on Investment Conditions in European Countries
This report provides a general overview of the regulatory regimes applied in 2016, the required efficiency developments and analyses the overall determination of capital costs in EU Member States and...
CEER 2017 Handbook for National Energy Regulators – How to assess retail market functioning
This CEER Handbook has been developed as a practical guide for national regulatory authorities in the process of evaluating the performance of their national retail energy markets. By providing a clea...
CEER Guidelines of Good Practice on Electricity Distribution Network Tariffs
This document sets out CEER Guidelines of Good Practice, which will aid National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs’) in their future design of distribution tariffs. It also provides a CEER common positio...
European Energy Regulators’ Overview Paper – initial ACER-CEER reactions to European Commission’s Clean Energy proposals
This paper presents the joint feedback of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (the “Agency”) and of National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) in the Council of European Energy Regulat...
CEER Report on Safeguarding the Independence of Regulators
This document presents a CEER public report on the organisational framework within which Europe’s energy regulators operate. It shines a light on NRAs’ tasks and powers, resources, independence, a...
CEER Status Review on NRAs’ Cooperation in Practice
This CEER Status Review on National Regulatory Authorities’ (NRAs’) Cooperation in Practice sets out the key legal framework governing cooperation among NRAs in the relevant EU legislation. It als...
CEER Report on commercial barriers to supplier switching in EU retail energy markets
CEER encourages Europe’s energy customers to compare offers in order to benefit from competition in the market. However, in practice, some energy customers do not do so. In this report, CEER aims to...
CEER Report on commercial barriers to supplier switching in EU retail energy markets
CEER encourages Europe’s energy customers to compare offers in order to benefit from competition in the market. However, in practice, some energy customers do not do so. In this report, CEER aims to...
CEER Report on Treatment of Interconnectors and Neighbouring Resources in Capacity Remuneration Mechanisms
The purpose of this report is to assess and identify ways for interconnectors and foreign capacity providers to explicitly and efficiently participate in existing and future CRMs and ensure the provis...